
Estabilidad de rodilla y función de trasplante posterior a la reconstrucción LAC

"Estabilidad de la rodilla y función de trasplante posterior a la reconstrucción del ligamento anterior cruzado."

Yuji Yamamoto, MD, Wei-Hsiu Hsu, MD, Savio L-Y. Woo, PhD, DSc*, Andrew H. Van Scyoc, Yoshiyuki Takakura, MD and Richard E. Debski, PhD

From the Musculoskeletal Research Center, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Background: Locations of femoral tunnels for anterior cruciate ligament replacement grafts remain a subject of debate.

Hypothesis: A lateral femoral tunnel placed at the insertion of the posterolateral bundle of the anterior cruciate ligament can restore knee function comparably to anatomical femoral tunnel placement.

Study Design: Controlled laboratory study.

Methods: Ten cadaveric knees were subjected to the following external loading conditions: (1) a 134-N anterior tibial load and (2) combined rotatory loads of 10-N·m valgus and 5-N·m internal tibial torques. Data on resulting knee kinematics and in situ force of the intact anterior cruciate ligament and anterior cruciate ligament graft were collected using a robotic/universal force-moment sensor testing system for (1) intact, (2) anterior cruciate ligament–deficient, (3) anatomical double-bundle reconstructed, and (4) laterally placed single-bundle reconstructed knees.

Results: In response to anterior tibial load, anterior tibial translation and in situ force in the graft were not significantly different between the 2 reconstructions except at high knee flexion. For example, at 90° of knee flexion, anterior tibial translation was 6.1 ± 2.3 mm for anatomical double-bundle reconstruction and 7.6 ± 2.6 mm for laterally placed single-bundle reconstruction (P .05).

Conclusion: Lateral tunnel placement can restore rotatory and anterior knee stability similarly to an anatomical reconstruction when the knee is near extension. However, the same is not true when the knee is at high flexion angles.

Clinical Relevance: To reproduce the complex function of the anterior cruciate ligament, reproducing both bundles of the anterior cruciate ligament may be necessary.

The American Journal of Sports Medicine 32:1825-1832 (2004).

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