Cadera y pelvis

Espesor del catílago acetabular en pacientes con displasia de cadera. (Inglés)

"Distribución tridimensional del espesor del cartílago acetabular en pacientes con displasia de cadera: un análisis informatizado completamente automatizado de imágenes de resonancia magnética."

Takashi Nishii M.D., , †, Nobuhiko Sugano M.D.†, Yoshinobu Sato Ph.D.‡, Hisashi Tanaka M.D.§, Hidenobu Miki M.D.† and Hideki Yoshikawa M.D.†

† Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Osaka University Medical School E3, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan ‡ Division of Interdisciplinary Image
Analysis, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan
§ Department of Radiology, Osaka University Medical School, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan


The aim of this study was to evaluate three-dimensional (3D) distribution of acetabular articular cartilage thickness in patients with hip dysplasia using in vivo magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, and to compare cartilage thickness distribution between normal and dysplastic hips.

Forty-five dysplastic hips without joint space narrowing on radiographs and 13 normal hips underwent MR imaging with fat-suppressed 3D fast spoiled gradient echo (SPGR) sequence. Acetabular cartilage thickness was measured with a fully automated segmentation technique, and cartilage thickness distribution was compared between the dysplastic and normal hips on the celestial spherical coordinate system.

Average cartilage thickness was significantly greater for the dysplastic hips than the normal hips (1.77 mm vs 1.34 mm). There was a general trend of gradient increase of cartilage thickness at the superolateral area in normal and dysplastic hips. The gradient increase of cartilage thickness was significantly greater in the dysplastic hips than the normal hips.

Dysplastic hips have general thick cartilage distribution as well as more prominent gradient increase of thickness at the superolateral portion. The knowledge of fundamental morphological feature of dysplastic hips at a preradiologic stage may aid early detection of cartilage thinning in association with osteoarthritic progression, accurate computational biomechanical analysis in the hip joint, and planning periacetabular osteotomy with satisfactory cartilaginous congruency.

Osteoarthritis and cartilage. Volume 12, issue 8. August 2004, Pages 650-657.

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