
Envejecimiento de los condrocitos, carga articular y osteoartritis. (Inglés)

"Infarto de hemi médula espinal debido a la disección de la arteria vertebral en la afibrinogenemia congénita"

H. Laufs, MD, S. Weidauer, MD, C. Heller, MD, M. Lorenz, MD and T. Neumann-Haefelin, MD

From the Department of Neurology (Drs. Laufs, Lorenz, and Neumann-Haefelin), Institute of Neuroradiology (Dr. Weidauer), and Department of Pediatrics (Dr. Heller), J.W. Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Isolated ischemia of the cervical spinal cord is an uncommon but increasingly recognized complication of vertebral artery dissection (VAD). The authors report a young patient with congenital afibrinogenemia, who developed VAD with extensive unilateral spinal cord infarction, probably caused by local compression of spinal radicular feeders at their origin by vertebral artery hematoma.

NEUROLOGY 2004;63:1522-1523.

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