
Enfoque quirúrgico para una fractura por avulsión de la tuberosidad isquial…

"Enfoque quirúrgico para una fractura por avulsión de la tuberosidad isquial: Informe de un caso."

Kaneyama, Shuichi MD *; Yoshida, Kazuya MD *; Matsushima, Shinji MD *; Wakami, Tomoaki MD *; Tsunoda, Masaya MD +; Doita, Minoru MD ++


We report a case of an avulsion fracture of the ischial tuberosity treated with a new surgical approach early after injury. Although surgical treatment of this fracture is usually avoided because of the difficulty of the procedure and the risk of sciatic nerve complication, we believe our subgluteal approach is simple and safe. We therefore recommend it for treating avulsion fractures of the ischial tuberosity, especially when the fragment is displaced by >2 cm and the sciatic nerve is not involved. If there is clinical evidence of sciatic nerve disturbance, it is likewise an indication for surgery. However, the incision needs to be deepened to approach the nerve, along the lines of the incisions advocated by both Miller and Spinner.

Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma. 20(5):363-365, May 2006.

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