Hombro y codo

Dolor posterior de hombro en atletas lanzadores con lesión de Bennett…(Inglés)

"Dolor posterior de hombro en atletas lanzadores con lesión de Bennett: Factores que influyen en el dolor en el lanzamiento."

Shigeto Nakagawa MD, PhDa, , Minoru Yoneda MD, PhDb, Kenji Hayashida MD, PhDc, Naoko Mizuno MDb and Shinichi Yamada MDb aDepartment of Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Yukioka Hospital, Osaka, Japan bShoulder and Sports Medicine Service, Osaka Kosei-nenkin Hospital, Osaka, Japan cDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hoshigaoka Kosei-nenkin Hospital, Osaka, Japan

A Bennett lesion is a bony spur at the posterior glenoid that is often seen in baseball players and usually asymptomatic. However, it sometimes becomes painful, but the mechanism of throwing pain is still unknown. The purposes of this study were to identify clinical characteristics associated with the Bennett lesion causing shoulder pain (painful Bennett lesion) and to try to predict which type of Bennett lesion might become painful. Several clinical factors in 51 consecutive baseball players who underwent arthroscopic surgery were investigated. Of these baseball players, 24 had a bony spur: 13 were diagnosed as having a painful Bennett lesion and 11 were diagnosed as having an asymptomatic Bennett lesion, according to our previously reported criteria. The other 27 players did not have a bony spur. Posterior joint laxity, no deficit of internal rotation, and an avulsed fragment on computed tomography scan were determined to be the characteristic clinical features in the shoulders with a painful Bennett lesion.

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. Volume 15, Issue 1 , January-February 2006, Pages 72-77.

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