Columna vertebral

Dolor escrotal como síntoma de presentación de la hernia discal lumbar. (Ingl.)

"Dolor escrotal como síntoma de presentación de la hernia discal lumbar: Informe de 2 casos."

Wouda, Ernest J. MD *; Leenstra, Sieger MD, PhD +; Vanneste, Jan A. L. MD, PhD *


Study Design. Case description.

Objective. To describe a treatable cause of scrotal pain associated with lumbar disc herniation

Summary of Background Data. Scrotal pain due to intraspinal compression of a sacral nerve root caused by lumbar disc herniation is probably very rare, as the literature contains only sporadic single case descriptions.

Methods. Two patients with isolated scrotal pain were analyzed. In both patients, a lumbar disc herniation was found. Lumbar discectomy was performed in both patients.

Results. Complete and persisting relief of the scrotal pain was obtained after lumbar discectomy.

Conclusions. Despite the absence of other symptoms or signs suggestive of nerve root involvement, lumbar disc herniation with intraspinal compression of a sacral nerve root seemed the most probable cause of the scrotal pain.

Spine. 30(2):E47-E49, January 15, 2005.

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