Cadera y pelvis

Disociación de la hemiartroplastia bipolar de cadera posterior a la luxación.(I)

George Georgiou1, Angeliki Siapkara2, , , Alexandra Dimitrakopoulou3, Stephanos Provelengios4 and Eleftherios Dounis5 Laiko General Hospital of Athens, Department of Orthopaedics, Agiou Thoma 17, 11527, Athens, Greece


Little information is available about the rare but serious disadvantage of dissociation of modular components during dislocation or after close reduction in the bipolar hemiarthroplasty of the hip. In most cases, simple dislocation after primary bipolar hemiarthroplasty can safely be reduced by close methods. Dissociation leads almost always to reoperation and possible revision of the prosthesis.

To avoid this complication, strict adherence to the surgical technique during the initial procedure and extra precaution during close reduction are recommended, in order to provide enhanced security over component disassembly. In the five cases presented in this study, dissociation is reported at different circumstances, along with the different methods of treatment required in each patient.

Injury. Volume 37, Issue 2 , February 2006, Pages 162-168.

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