Hombro y codo

Déficits en la función del hombro y estado general asociado…(Inglés)

"Déficits en la función del hombro y estado general asociado con diagnósticos de dieciséis hombros comunes: Un estudio de 2674 pacientes."

Mauricio Largacha, I.M. Parsons IV MD, Barry Campbell MS, Robert M. Titelman MD, Kevin L. Smith MD and Frederick Matsen III MD,

Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

The purpose of this study is to define the self-assessed deficits in function and general health perceived by a large cohort of patients with common shoulder diagnoses. For a 10-year period, all new shoulder patients presenting to the senior author were characterized by diagnosis, age, gender, and self-assessed shoulder function and general health status. This report concerns the 2674 patients having 1 of the 16 most prevalent diagnoses. The deficits in shoulder function and health status were correlated with diagnosis, age, and gender, as well as with each other. Patient self-assessment provided a standardized method for collecting data on shoulder function and health status. These assessments revealed substantial deficits; for example, 81% of patients were unable to sleep on the affected side, and 71% were unable to wash the back of the opposite shoulder. The magnitude of these deficits correlated significantly with gender and diagnosis but not with age.

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. Volume 15, Issue 1 , January-February 2006, Pages 30-39.

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