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Conversión de la artrodesis de articulación metacarpofalange de anular…(I)

"Conversión de la artrodesis de articulación metacarpofalange de anular con artroplastia: Informe de un caso."

Vincent Battista MD, a, and Uel Hansen MDa

aHand Surgery Service, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, TX.

This case report presents the conversion of a ring finger metacarpophalangeal joint arthrodesis to arthroplasty, using a pyrocarbon implant. The patient sought a conversion secondary to poor grip strength and inability to perform basic tasks in his job with the Marine Corps. Three months after surgery he had a stable joint and a 50% increase in grip strength.

The Journal of Hand Surgery. Volume 31, Issue 9 , November 2006, Pages 1475-1477.

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