Columna vertebral

Contractura de flexión de cadera y lordosis de columna lumbar…

"Contractura de flexión de la cadera y lordosis de columna lumbar en mielomeningocele."

Glard, Yann MD; Launay, Franck MD; Viehweger, Elke MD; Guillaume, Jean-Marc MD; Jouve, Jean-Luc MD; Bollini, Gerard MD


The objective of this study was to assess the correlation between hip flexion contracture (HFC) and the sagittal alignment of the lumbar spine in ambulatory children with myelomeningocele. Ambulatory patients with myelomeningocele are generally free of scoliosis or kyphosis. Among them, some develop increased lumbar lordosis. It is postulated that HFC and increased lumbar lordosis may be correlated. Thirty-eight patients, with a mean age of 12.7 years, were evaluated. Standing lateral spine films were obtained and the lumbar lordosis was measured using the Cobb method. HFC was measured using the Thomas test. A statistically significant correlation was found between the lumbar curve and HFC. High values of lumbar Cobb angle (hyperlordosis) were correlated with high values of HFC. These results show a correlation between HFC and increased lumbar lordosis in ambulatory myelomeningocele patients.

Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics. 25(4):476-478, July/August 2005.

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