Ortopedia pediátrica

Consideraciones generales en el manejo de lesiones pediátricas. (Alemán)

Linhart WE, von Laer L. Universitatsklinik fur Kinderchirurgie, Graz. This report discusses the differences between the paediatric and adult musculoskeletal system. Consideration is given to preventive measures and the epidemiology and aetiology of fractures in relation to the developmental milestones in children. The principles of growth disturbances (overgrowth or growth arrest) and their management are presented. Pitfalls in diagnosis and different treatment options for paediatric fractures are discussed. Doctor-patient communication at different stages of growth and the importance of respecting the opinion of the child in management planning is emphasised.

Orthopade. 2005 Nov;34(11):1169-85.

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