
Consecuencias económicas y clínicas del sangrado siguiente a la cirugía mayor..

"Consecuencias económicas y clínicas del sangrado siguiente a la cirugía mayor ortopédica."


Background Major orthopedic surgery patients who receive antithrombotics as prophylaxis against VTE may be at higher risk of bleeding. The clinical and economic consequences of this complication may be relevant to therapeutic decision-making.

Objective To assess the impact of major bleeding following major orthopedic surgery on length of stay (LOS) and inpatient charges.

Methods Using a database with information on 750,000 admissions annually to 100+ US acute-care hospitals, we identified all patients who underwent major orthopedic surgery between January 1, 1998 and December 13, 2000. Patients were stratified according to whether or not they experienced major postoperative bleeding prior to hospital discharge, defined as (a) fatal bleeding; (b) nonfatal bleeding at critical site; (c) re-operation due to bleeding; and (d) overt bleeding with bleeding index (BI) ≥ 2, where BI = number of blood units transfused plus pre-bleeding minus post-bleeding hemoglobin (g/dL) values. LOS and total inpatient charges were compared between patients with and without major bleeding.

Results The incidence of major bleeding among 23,518 patients who underwent major orthopedic surgery was 2.6%. In multivariate analyses controlling for differences in baseline characteristics between patients with and without major bleeds, adjusted mean LOS was 1.8 days longer among those with major bleeding (95% CI: 1.5, 2.0) (6.1 days vs. 4.3 days for those without bleeds); adjusted mean total inpatient charges were $7593 higher (95% CI: $6622, $8646) ($25,669 vs. $18,076).

Conclusion Bleeding following major orthopedic surgery may increase length of stay and total hospital charges and should be an important consideration in choice of VTE prophylaxis.

Thrombosis Research Volume 117, Issue 5 , 2006, Pages 569-577.

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