Ortopedia pediátrica

Concroma periostal de costilla – Informe de un caso y revisión literaria. (Ing.)

Rouzan Karabakhtsiana, Debra Hellera, , , Meera Hameeda and Colin Bethelb

aDepartment of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UMDNJ–New Jersey Medical School, P.O. Box 1709, Newark, NJ 07103, USA bDepartment of Surgery, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, P.O. Box 1709, Newark, NJ 07103, USA


Periosteal chondroma is a rare benign tumor of hyaline cartilage. It develops adjacent to the cortex of the bone and is rimmed by an intact periosteal membrane. Periosteal chondromas are most common in the metaphyses of long bones followed by the small tubular bones of the hands and feet. Periosteal chondroma arising in the rib is an extremely rare event. We could only find 10 reported cases in the English literature. We present a case of periosteal chondroma in the rib discovered incidentally on chest x-ray of an 11-year-old girl.

Journal of Pediatric Surgery Volume 40, Issue 9 , September 2005, Pages 1505-1507.

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