Hombro y codo

Complicaciones en las fracturas de húmero supracondilar. (Inglés)

"Complicaciones y tiempo de seguimiento despúes de la reducción cerrada y sujección percutánea de las fracturas de húmero supracondilar: Seguimiento posterior de la sujección percutánea de las fracturas supracondilares de húmero."

Ponce, Brent A. MD *; Hedequist, Daniel J. MD +; Zurakowski, David PhD +; Atkinson


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the need for clinical evaluation with radiographs within 10 days of closed reduction and percutaneous pinning for the treatment of displaced supracondylar humerus fractures. Between May 1 and December 31, 2001, the authors evaluated the complications with closed reduction and percutaneous pinning of 104 displaced supracondylar humerus fractures. Fifty-two of the patients had the initial follow-up examination with radiographs 10 days or less after pinning; the other 52 patients had the initial follow-up examination with radiographs either after 10 days or on the day of pin removal. The overall complication rate for the series was 7.7% (8/104). All eight complications were in type III fractures. The early follow-up group had six complications; the late follow-up group had two complications. Baumann's angle, lateral humerocapitellar angle, and lateral rotational percentage were not significantly different between the two groups. The only variable tested that was associated with a complication was pin configuration. No association between late follow-up and complications was identified. The authors conclude that clinical and radiographic evaluation of routine displaced supracondylar humerus fractures requiring closed reduction and percutaneous pinning may be safely delayed until pin removal.

Journal of Pediatric Orthopedics. 24(6):610-614, November/December 2004.

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