
Cambios cíclicos de la altura del cuerpo vertebral y pérdida de hueso en mujeres

"Cambios cíclicos de la altura del cuerpo vertebral y pérdida de hueso en mujeres sanas después de la menopausia."

Mazzuoli G, Diacinti D, D'Erasmo E, Alfo M.

Dipartimento Scienze Cliniche, Universita degli studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy; Fondazione Alberta Pompei, Rome, Italy.

Annual changes in vertebral body heights (VHs) and lumbar bone mineral density (LBMD) were evaluated in 120 healthy pre- and post-menopausal women aged 45-74 years. Subjects were divided into groups according to menstrual status and years since menopause (YSM). Vertebral heights were evaluated, using radiological morphometry as the sum of anterior vertebral body heights (AVHs) from T4 to L5 at baseline and exactly 12 months later. Results indicate that the sum of VHs is inversely correlated with advancing age, and the decrease in VHs is not a constant process over time but rather exhibits cyclical damping oscillations. When log-linear trend of VH decrease was transformed into a constant considering annual percentage changes, the presence of a cyclical component of 7 years was evident. Employing a harmonic regression model, the cyclical component was also statistically significant on baseline data. The cyclical decrease of VHs corresponds to an analogous cyclical behavior of LBMD values. These results suggest that a lack of estrogen acts as a synchronizer on bone remodeling, triggering a latent cyclical rhythm of bone loss, accompanied by cyclical bone microarchitecture deterioration and consequent vertebral body deformities, which after menopause persists throughout life. The existence of a chronobiological rhythm of bone loss and trabecular bone strength reduction at vertebral level after menopause, if confirmed, could have important clinical implications.

Bone. 2006 Jan 5.

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