
Artroplastia total de rodilla utilizando visión asistida por ordenador…(Ing.)

"Artroplastia total de rodilla utilizando visión asistida por ordenador en pacientes con deformidades de fémur y tibia."

Gregg R. Klein MD⁎, , Matthew S. Austin MD†, Eric B. Smith MD‡ and William J. Hozack MD§

⁎NYU-HJD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York †Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Cooper University Hospital, Camden, New Jersey ‡Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania §Rothman Institute at the Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


Anatomic aberrations of the femur and tibia secondary to trauma, congenital defects, and prior surgery present challenges for the reconstructive knee surgeon because of an altered mechanical axis and distorted anatomic landmarks. Five patients with arthritis of the knee and extra-articular femoral and/or tibial deformity, retained hardware, or intramedullary (IM) implants underwent total knee arthroplasty using a computer navigation system. The navigation system obviated the need for an IM guide, and the normal mechanical axis of the patients was restored. Extensive dissection for hardware removal or osteotomy was not necessary in these patients. In these 5 cases, a navigation system proved to be an effective tool for restoration of limb alignment in the presence of significant extra-articular deformities and/or IM hardware. Thus, it provides an alternative approach to the traditional IM instrumentation for treating these patients in an effective manner.

The Journal of Arthroplasty Volume 21, Issue 2 , February 2006, Pages 284-288.

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