Investigación y tecnología

Antibiotic Stewardship in Orthopaedic Surgery: Principles and Practice

Kirk A. Campbell J Am Acad Orthop Surg. December 2014; 22 (12)

Abstract A thorough knowledge of the principles of antibiotic stewardship is a crucial part of high-quality orthopaedic surgical care. These principles include (1) determining appropriate indications for antibiotic administration, (2) choosing the correct antibiotic based on known or expected pathogens, (3) determining the correct dosage, and (4) determining the appropriate duration of treatment. Antibiotic stewardship programs have a multidisciplinary staff that can help guide antibiotic selection and dosage. These programs also perform active surveillance of antimicrobial use and may reduce Clostridium difficile and other drug-resistant bacterial infections by providing expert guidance on judicious antibiotic usage. The emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, the geographical diversity of these infecting pathogens, and the changing patient population require customization of prophylactic regimens to reduce infectious complications. A multidisciplinary approach to antibiotic stewardship can lead to improved patient outcomes and cost-effective medical care.

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