Cadera y pelvis

Alivio del síndrome del chasquido interno de cadera en corredor de maratón despu

"Alivio del síndrome del chasquido interno de cadera en corredor de maratón después del tratamiento quiropráctico."

Clark R. Konczak, DC a * [MEDLINE LOOKUP] Rick Ames, DC b [MEDLINE LOOKUP]


Objective To discuss the assessment, diagnosis and chiropractic management of a patient with sacroiliac joint dysfunction (SIJ) complicated by psoas major snapping hip syndrome (coxa saltans interna).

Clinical Features A 32-year-old male marathon runner experienced low-back and left hip pain without radiation accompanied by a “popping” in the anterior hip. He ran approximately 100 to 150 km/wk for the prior 3 years. He had stopped running for the previous 3 weeks because of worsening and consistent pain.

Intervention and Outcome Treatment consisted of side posture SIJ “diversified” manipulation and myofascial release to the psoas muscle twice weekly for 2 weeks. The patient was also taught proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation exercises of the psoas and iliotibial band muscles. He was instructed to substitute swimming instead of running on a daily basis. Reassessment at 3 weeks found the patient without pain in his hip or back and no clicking or popping in his left hip.

Conclusion Clinicians should consider that runners who present with coexisting SIJ dysfunction and internal snapping hip syndrome may benefit from the combined management of both conditions.

Journal of Manipulative and Psycological Therapeutics. January 2005 • Volume 28 • Number 1

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